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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Checklist - GUI Testing Test Scenarios/Testcases

Generic level of testcases for testing windows GUI applications:

Listed below checklist of GUI testing scenarios:
TC_IDTest ScenariosHeadlineTestcase DescriptionExpected Result
GUI_001Application.exe fileCheck on application.exe and tool tip1. Application.exe name should be in proper naming convention
2. Move on mouse over the application.exe file and check if application.exe is providing correct tool tip information to the user
3. Application.exe should  display meaningful representation of icon to the user.
Note: Same application caption should reflect on everywhere like task manager, program manager...
Application.exe file must be displayed clearly and correctly.
GUI_002Launching the applicationCheck on application icon and launching the application1. Double click on application.exe icon
2. Check application should launch and displaying main screen UI to the user without any errors.
Application must be launched successfully
GUI_003Application TerminationClosing the application 1. Launch the application
2. Close the application (by click on close button or File->Exit)
3. Ensure Conformation pop up message is displayed to the user.
Application should terminate gracefully
GUI_004Multiple Instance supportCheck on launching the application multiple times1. Double click on the application.exe icon and launch the Instance 1
2. Again try to launch the 2nd instance of the application
3. Ensure Instance2 is not getting launched and Instance1's currently active windows remains the same
Instance1's active screen should displayed to the user and also only instance1 should be in task manager.
GUI_005Title BarCheck on Title Bar1. Lanuch the application
2. Ensure title bar is displaying the application icon and followed by application name and it's version
3. Navigate to other window/screen and ensure on all navigation windows title bar remains the same
Application icon followed by the application name must be displayed in the title bar on the launch of the application.
GUI_006Menu BarCheck on Menu Bar1. Launch the application
2. Menu bar should display at the top and bottom of the title bar.
3. Ensure Help, About button in all the screens for access
All screens should have a Help button, F1 should work doing the same.
About should display on all the screen and it should display version informations
GUI_007Status BarCheck on Status Bar1. Launch the application
2. Status bar should display progress of test execution and status information like disk info, testcases running or not, cursor pointing position and so on.
3. Ensure status bar is getting updated with dynamic changes
Status bar must get updated with the dynamic changes of the application.
GUI_008Tool tipCheck the tool tip information on mouse over1. Launch the application
2. Move the mouse on the widgets/icons
3. Ensure tool tip os shown to the user, whenever user mouse over on the widgets/icons
Tool tip must be clearly and correctly displayed to the user.
GUI_009Shortcut keysCheck on Shortcut key1. Launch the application
2. Ensure Shortcut key is supported to trigger the functionality without mouse click on the UI screens.
Note: Ensure standard shortcut keys are followed. For Say: Ctrl+S is for Saving, Ctrl+Q for Quit and So on
Note: Check the behavior of the TAB, ESC, Space bar, Enter keypress as well
Shortcut key should be supported on the application
GUI_010Multiple selection on Hold keys (Control/Shift)Multiple selectionIncase of selecting multiple choices, Ensure Application is supporting On Hold keys (Control and Shift key) to allow the user to select the multiple selectionsApplication should allow the user to select any multiple choices
GUI_011Popup message boxCheck on Popup message boxEnsure application is popuping appropriate message to the user in standard format.
Note: For Ex: Error popup message should display Error icon on the popup box
All popup message should get display in standard format
GUI_012ResizeCheck on Resizing the dialog boxes1. Launch the application
2. Resize the dialog boxes and/or screen frames if any
3. Ensure resizing of the box/frames should not affect the application viewability and functionality
Resizing of the box/frames should not affect the application viewability and functionality
GUI_013Minimize, Maximize, RestoreTest to check the Minimize, Maximize, Restore properties1. Launch the application
2. Check if user is able to minimize, maximize and restore to previous screen size display by pressing Minimize, Maximize and Restore buttons correspondingly.
Application should allow the user to minimize, maximize and restore.
GUI_014Widget, frames alignmentsTest to check for alignment of frames, text boxes and other Widgets1. Launch the application
2. Check if application is displaying all the widgets in uniform and it’s alignments like text box, frames, radio/check options, text alignments, etc.,
3. Ensure on resizing of the screen should not affect the aligments of text/widgets
All Widgets, text should displayed properly
GUI_015NavigationsTest to check all screen navigation links1. Launch the application
2. Navigate one screen to another screen
3. Check if user is able to navigate the screens without any ambiguous display or in delay in display
Application should display the screen without delay in loading and should not display any ambiguously.
GUI_016Spell CheckTest to check for spell check1. Launch the application
2. Ensure there is no spell mistake and verbal mistakes on the text display.
Application should display meaning ful words and without any spell check
GUI_017Uniform Font Size and StyleTest to check for font display - like Color, Size, Style and Background color1. Launch the application
2. Ensure application is displaying uniform text style, color and size.
3. Ensure display of text should be eye-catching and should not as eye-hitting one to the user.
Display of text should be eye-catching and should not as eye-hitting one to the user
GUI_018Set FocusTest to check for set focus on widgets1. Launch the application
2. Ensure after filling/entering/tab any input fields, cursor should set focus on next widgets.
GUI should provide usablity of the end user on set focus.
GUI_019Screen ResolutionCheck under different screen resolution of 1280*1024, 1280*960, 1280*720, 1152*864, 1024*768, 800*601. Set different monitor screen resolution (1280*1024, 1280*960, 1280*720, 1152*864,1024*768,800*600)
2. Launch the application and ensure display of GUI is not changed
GUI should not display any ambiguous display and should not disturb on change in screen resolution
GUI_020Input field validationCheck on input field validation - boundary value testing, maximum digits, special chars, maximum values1. Fill the input field box with boundary values and check the exception handling
2. Fill the input field box with alpha numberic, special character including white space and check if application is handling the error exceptions
3. Fill the input field box with maximum values or maximum digits and check if application is handling the exception
Application should catch all kinds of exception and throw appropriate error message to the user

when i surf on net, i got one more useful GUI testing checklist link. Might be this link also helpful for you, here it is

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bro, The link provided had been removed. Any new link to share again? Thanks
